Science and Social Science
Head of Faculty: Mr Crossley
The Science and Social Science Faculty teaches Science at Key Stage 3, GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics, alongside Combined Science GCSE, and A Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Social Sciences taught are Sociology at GCSE and A Level, and Psychology A Level. Psychology GCSE is offered as an additional enrichment opportunity to students in Years 9 and 10.
This page provides:
- intent statements for all subjects
- course content overview for all subject
- information on extra-curricular clubs and visits
If you require further information regarding our curriculum please contact the Head of Faculty as detailed above.
Curriculum and assessment maps can be accessed below.
Science and Social Science faculty curriculum intent
Curriculum intent
Our Science and Social Science curriculum will support a knowledgeable, highly skilled science learning community enriched by opportunity and the development of character.
Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of phenomena through the use of scientific models, mastery of scientific vocabulary and a range of exciting practical activities. Students will develop the self-belief to make predictions, test hypotheses, devise questions and construct complex explanations. At every opportunity theory is linked to real-life applications and scientific careers to develop curiosity and ambition for our subject. A comprehensive extra-curricular offer provides further opportunity to develop character and will enable students to be the best they can be as a science student, as a citizen in their community and in their future.
Detailed curriculum intent statements for Science can be accessed here.
Detailed curriculum intent statements for Social Science can be accessed here.
Course Overviews
Science - Key Stage 3
Year 7 course content:
- organisms
- matter
- forces
- ecosystem processes
- reactions
- energy
- earth
- reactions
- electricity and magnetism
- waves
- genes
Year 8 course content (advancement of Year 7 topics):
- organisms
- matter
- forces
- ecosystem processes
- reactions
- energy
- earth
- reactions
- electricity and magnetism
- waves
- genes
Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 transition year
Year 9 course content Biology:
- working scientifically (practical skills)
- cells
- organisation
- infection and response
Year 9 course content Chemistry:
- atomic structure and the periodic table
- energy
- rates of reaction
- chemistry of the atmosphere
Year 9 course content Physics:
- working scientifically (practical skills)
- energy
- particle model
- electricity
Key Stage 4
Year 10 course content Biology:
- bioenergetics
- homeostasis
- inheritance
- ecology
Year 10 course content Chemistry:
- quantitative chemistry
- structure and bonding
- chemical changes
Year 10 course content Physics:
- atomic structure
- forces one
- waves
- forces two
Year 11 course content Biology:
- homeostasis (separate only)
- inheritance
- retrieval/revision
Year 11 course content Chemistry:
- structure and bonding
- organic chemistry
- analysis
- retrieval/revision
Year 11 course content Physics:
- optics (separate only)
- electromagnetism
- space (separate only)
Key Stage 5
A Level Biology units:
- biological molecules
- cells
- organisms exchange substances with their environment
- genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
- energy transfers in and between organisms
- organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments
- genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems
- the control of gene expression
A Level Chemistry units:
- physical chemistry
- inorganic chemistry
- organic chemistry
A Level Physics units:
- measurements and their errors
- particles and radiation
- waves
- mechanics and materials
- electricity
- further mechanics and thermal physics
- fields
- nuclear
- options – astrophysics, medical, engineering, turning points in physics, electronics
Exam Boards:
- Key Stage 3 - AQA
A Level – AQA
Psychology A Level
Students learn a number of skills, including analytical thinking, improved communication and problem solving. They explore the power of social influence, memory, attachment, abnormality, different issues and debates in psychology, as well as learn about romantic relationships, schizophrenia and forensic psychology. We are following AQA Specification. At A Level there are three exams, each account for one third of the qualification. The exams consist of multiple choice, short answer and extended writing questions
Sociology A Level
Students learn a number of skills, including the use of evidence to support arguments, how to investigate facts, and critical thinking. It is relevant to the society they live in and to their everyday life, exploring topics such as family, education, beliefs in society and crime. We are following AQA Specification. At A Level there are three exams, each account for one third of the qualification. The exams consist of a mixture of short answer and extended writing questions.
Sociology GCSE
Sociology GCSE teaches how to see the world from different perspectives in new thought-provoking ways. Students develop a wide range of knowledge and understanding about society, and how sociologists study its structures, processes and issues. Students learn how to apply various research methods to different contexts, such as family, education and crime and deviance. Students also explore how our society is stratified, including what impact it has to different social groups. We follow the AQA Specification. This course is assessed by two, one hour and 45 minutes long examinations worth 50% each. The exams consist of a mixture of short answer and extended writing questions.
Extra-curricular clubs and visits organised by the Science and Social Science faculty
- Science and Social Science Faculty runs a STEM Club
- Gardening Club.