Examinations and assessment
All you need to know about GCE and GCSE exams - Summer 2025
Examinations can be a stressful time for students and parents/carers. Therefore, it is important that all those involved are as well-informed as possible.
This information is intended to guide you through the examination process and provide information about examination procedures and expectations, answering some of the most frequently asked questions. Denefield wants you to understand that the rules and regulations in place are designed to ensure fairness in exams and minimise disturbance so that exams run smoothly.
Every effort will be made to ensure that students receive the best possible preparation for their final exams, that the administrative arrangements run smoothly, and that the examinations are conducted in a way that will cause as little stress as possible and help you/your child to achieve their potential.
Although this can be a stressful time, we are confident that with continued hard work and the use of applications such as GCSE Pod, ClassCharts and any other revision software, these final examinations will confirm the excellent progress that students have made and will boost their confidence in embarking on their next steps.
Students, when you receive your statement of entry, please read though it carefully, checking all of the information, as per the below image. Errors or queries should be emailed to exams@denefield.org.uk
Important Points to Remember
- Make sure you know when your exams are and that you have an accurate, up to date timetable.
- Familarise yourself with the location of the exams.
- Arrive at your exams at least 20 minutes before the morning timetabled start time and at least 10 minutes before the afternoon start time.
- If you are going to be late, inform the school.
- It is the candidate’s responsibility to bring everything they will need in order to complete an examination.
- Do not bring any unauthorised materials into the examination room.
- If you are not sitting exams, you are still required to attend school as usual.
- Any exam related queries can be emailed to exams@denefield.org.uk
How will I know when my exams are?
- You will receive an exam timetable in advance of your exams.
- Your timetable will contain information about the time and location of your exam.
- On occasion, you may discover an administration error on your timetable. Do not panic! Raise your concerns with your tutor, who will contact the Exams Officer to investigate. Once any administration issues are resolved, we will reissue you with an up-to-date timetable.
What if I am unwell on the day of my exam?
If you are unwell on the day of any examination, please ensure you notify main reception prior to the exam. They will get a message to the Exams Officer advising of your absence.
What time do my exams begin?
All morning examinations start at 9.00am. This means that students will register at 8.30am and go directly to their exam venue. Students will be allowed a short break after the exam. All P3 lessons and lunchtime will run as normal. Afternoon examinations will start at 1.30pm and you need to make your way to the exam venue, quickly, after lunch. As afternoon exams now start at 1.30pm, this may affect students catching public transport.
What happens if I am late?
- If you think you are going to be late, please contact the school as soon as possible.
- If you are not in school for the start of the examination, we will try to contact you or your parent/carer to remind you where you should be.
- Please make your way to the appropriate examination venue as quickly as possible.
Do I have my timetabled lessons between my exams?
- During your exams, normal timetabled lessons and registration sessions will not be suspended and you will be expected to attend lessons when you are not in an examination.
- Subject teachers may also have made specific arrangements, so please ensure you listen carefully in lessons for subject specific information to ensure that you do not miss important revision sessions.
- Year 13 will be permitted to have study leave and so will not be required in lessons.
Where will my exams be held?
- Most examinations will take place in the sports hall, the community room, the main hall or in the Edison Centre.
- The exam venue and the times of each exam are on your individual examination timetable.
- It is important that you check the information provided by your tutor to ensure you are aware of the examination venue for each of your examinations.
- If you are a Year 12 or Year 13 student, please be respectful of those students studying for or sitting their examinations by ensuring that noise in the Sixth Form Common Room and Work Room is kept to a minimum.
What is an Invigilator?
- An invigilator’s job is to supervise an examination.
- We have a committed team of regular invigilators in the school who support many different types of assessments in school. You may recognise some of them from your PPEs and GL assessments.
- They are trained to make sure the exams run in line with exam regulations.
- Whilst they will have limited communication with you, they are there to support you if you have any questions or queries.
- If you need an invigilator, please raise your hand to get their attention. Do not shout out. You are in exam conditions.
- You may see the invigilators writing during the exam. This is because they have to document any incidents, disturbances and rule breeches. This is reported back to the Exams Officer to identify any consequences.
What equipment can I take into the exam room?
- You are responsible for bringing all of the equipment you require for an exam.
- You should bring a black pen, coloured pencils, erasers, ruler, calculator without cover etc. in a transparent (clear) plastic bag or pencil case.
- Non-transparent pencil boxes or cases will not be permitted in the examination room.
- You must write in pen not pencil apart from drawings. Pens must be black.
- Should students be wearing religious headwear that covers their ears, they will be required to show an invigilator their ears, in order to ensure no AirPods, earphones/earbuds are present.
Is there anything I am not allowed to take into the exam room?
Some items are strictly banned and should not be brought into the examination room under any circumstances. The exam boards treat mere possession of these items as an infringement.
Please leave all restricted items in your bag.
If you forget, do not panic!
Please raise your hand and give the item/s to an invigilator before the exam starts.
The following items are restricted:
- Mobile phones – should be switched off and left in your bag.
- Watches of all types.
- Any device that can be connected to a mobile internet network eg Fitbit.
- On occasions, text books may be allowed in certain exams. If this is necessary, you will be informed by your subject teachers in advance.
- No lucky mascots etc.
- No food items, chewing gum, lip balm, vaseline, cream, etc are allowed.
- No jackets, hoodies or head coverings (unless for religious or medical purposes) are allowed.
- You may not have writing or drawings on your hands, arms or legs.
- No Tippex or correction pens. You should cross through work if you do not wish to be marked.
How do I know where I will sit?
- Every exam has a seating plan. You will have been allocated a seat.
- The teachers/invigilators will organise you in order prior to entering the room
- Once you are in the room the invigilators will guide you to your seat.
- On your table you will find a card with your name and exam number on it. This must remain on your table throughout the exam. This name card must not be removed from your table, neither are you allowed to deface it in anyway (draw on it, fold it, etc.) JCQ regulations require that invigilators are able to identify students sitting exams.
Note: once you enter the exam room, you are in exam conditions and therefore you must remain SILENT. You should not communicate with anyone other than an invigilator.
Can I bring a drink into the exam room?
- Yes, you can bring water into the exam room.
- No more than 750ml of still water in a clear bottle with no label (preferably a sport cap bottle). No fizzy drinks, cans or pouches will be allowed.
How do the exams begin?
- Any instructions for the exam will be read out along with the evacuation notice.
- Do not open the question paper until you are instructed to do so.
- You will be reminded of the exam regulations.
- You will be asked to complete your details on the front of the paper.
- An invigilator will formally announce the start of the exam, and you will then be instructed to begin.
What do I do if I am feeling unwell in an exam?
- Raise your hand to notify an invigilator
- If you need to leave the room, you will be supervised. Your details and the time you left will be documented.
What happens in an emergency evacuation?
- On hearing the alarm, remain silent and await direction from the invigilator.
- Students in exams have a separate assembly point.
- You will meet on the smaller netball courts to the left of the main evacuation point.
- You will be evacuated in the rows that you are seated. This means that you will be released row by row by an invigilator.
- You remain in exam conditions therefore you must remain SILENT as you move from the exam venue to the evacuation point.
- You must stay in position in your line, when you assemble at the evacuation point.
- If you talk and break exam conditions you risk your paper being disqualified.
- When the Exams Officer has been given the all clear, the invigilator will move you from the evacuation point back into the exam venue and you must remain SILENT
- The invigilator will change the finish time for examinations as soon as you are permitted to continue with your exam.
Can I leave once I have finished my exam?
- You will not be allowed to leave the exam venue before one hour after the published start time. This would be 10.00am for morning exams and 2.30pm for afternoon exams.
- Once the exam ends, invigilators will collect your exam paper.
- Once all papers are collected, you will be dismissed by an invigilator, row by row.
- There may be other exams continuing, so please leave in silence as other students will still be working.
What happens if I don’t follow the exam conditions?
- This is known as Malpractice and exam boards have very strict rules if you disrupt an examination in any way.
- If you cause any issues or breach rules in any examination it will be reported to the relevant exam board and may result in disqualification from the paper or in extreme cases, disqualification from the exam season.
The JCQ - Joint Council for Qualifications, has provided important information which all candidates and parents/carers need to be aware of. Please click here to visit link
Documents contained within the link:
- Information for candidates – coursework.
- Information for candidates – non examination assessments.
- Information for candidates – on-screen tests.
- Information for candidates – written exams.
- Preparing to sit your exams.
- Information for candidates – privacy notice.
- Information for candidates – Social Media.
The below link provides post exam guidance, should you wish to appeal any grades awarded.
PPE information 2024-2025
Examinations can be a stressful time for students and parents/carers, therefore it is important that all those involved are as well informed as possible.
The information below has been designed to answer some of your questions and queries. We want you to understand that the rules and regulations in place are designed to ensure fairness in exams and minimise disturbance so that exams run smoothly.
We will make every effort to ensure that students receive the best possible preparation for their Pre Public Examinations (PPEs), that the administrative arrangements run smoothly, and that the examinations are conducted in a way that will cause as little stress as possible and help students to achieve their potential.
The examinations will provide the school with key evidence of student progress in GCSE/GCE subjects and will act as part of the overall evidence faculties use to highlight any gaps in knowledge and ensure students are prepared for their final examinations. For this reason, it is important that PPEs are a true representation of ability. Therefore, I urge all students to prepare for any PPEs in the same way they would for any national exams.
Although this can be a stressful time, we are confident that with continued hard work and the use of applications such as Educake, Everlearner any other revision software, these PPE results will confirm the excellent progress that students are making and will boost confidence during this year.
Please keep reading for a guide through the examination process and information about examination procedures and expectations, answering some of the most frequently asked questions.
Mrs K Davis, Assistant Head – Director of KS4
Important points for students to remember
- Make sure you know when your exams are and that you have an accurate, up-to-date timetable.
- Familarise yourself with the location of the exams.
- Arrive at your exams at least 20 minutes before the morning timetabled start time and at least 10 minutes before the afternoon start time.
- If you are going to be late, inform the school.
- It is the candidate’s responsibility to bring everything they will need in order to complete an examination.
- Do not bring any unauthorised materials into the examination room.
- Any exam related queries can be emailed to exams@denefield.org.uk
PPE dates for 2024 - 2025
4 to 8 November 2024 - Year 11 Core Subjects
9 to 13 December 2024 - Year 11 Option Subjects and Year 13
December 2024 - Year 11 and Year 13 Art
December 2024 - Year 11 MFL Orals
3 to 7 March 2025 - Year 11 Core Subjects and Year 13
28 April to 2 May 2025 - Year 10 PPEs
24 to 27 June 2025 - Year 12 PPEs
Final exam dates for 2025
1 May to 25 June 2025 - BTEC exam season
8 May to 25 June 2025 - Year 11 GCSE/Level 2 exam season
12 May to 25 June 2025 - GCE exam season
The JCQ and Awarding Bodies expect all students to be available to sit exams up until 25 June, regardless of whether they have exams scheduled or not, due to scheduled contingency days.
Information for Students
What are PPEs and why are they important?
- PPE stands for Pre Public Examination.
- We run PPE exam sessions at various points throughout Year 10 and 11 (GCSE) and Year 12/13 (GCE).
- PPEs give you the opportunity to practice completing exams in the exams environment. This gives you the opportunity to become familiar with the examination process, environment and rules.
- The exam assessment also gives the teachers an opportunity to assess the progress that you are making.
- We understand that taking exams can feel stressful, but practicing the process will help alleviate some exam anxiety. We are here to support you.
How will I know when my exams are?
- You will receive an exam timetable in advance of your exams.
- Your timetable will contain information about the time and location of your exam.
- On occasion, you may discover an administration error on your timetable. Don’t panic! Raise your concerns with your tutor who will contact the Exams Officer to investigate. Once any administration issues are resolved, we will reissue you with an up to date timetable.
What if I am unwell on the day of my exam?
If you are unwell on the day of any examination, please ensure you notify main reception prior to the exam. They will get a message to the Exams Officer advising of your absence.
For PPE exams your subject teacher will reschedule your exam on your return.
What time do my exams begin?
All morning examinations start at 9.00am and finish around 11.00am. This means that students will register at 8.30-8.40am as normal and then go directly to their exam venue. Students will be able to have a short break before going to P3 lessons. P3 and P4 lessons and lunchtime will run as normal. Afternoon examinations will start as soon as possible after lunch and students should not attend afternoon registration or house assembly. Examinations may end later than 3.00pm.
What happens if I am late?
- If you think you are going to be late, please contact the school as soon as posssible.
- If you are not in school for the start of the examination, we will try to contact you or your parent/carer to remind you where you should be.
- Please make your way to the appropriate examination venue as quickly as possible.
Do I have my timetabled lessons between my exams?
- During your PPEs, normal timetabled lessons and registration sessions will not be suspended and you will be expected to attend lessons when you are not in an examination.
- Subject teachers may also have made specific arrangements for this week, so please ensure you listen carefully in lessons for subject specific information to ensure that you do not miss important revision sessions.
Where will my exams be held?
- Most examinations will take place in the sports hall, the community room, the main hall or in the Edison Centre.
- The exam venue and the times of each exam are on your individual examination timetable.
- It is important that you check the information provided by your tutor during the PPEs to ensure you are aware of the examination venue for each of your examinations.
- On occasions it may be necessary to use additional venues such as Edison, a computer room or the Red Room. If these locations are used we will discuss this with you in advance.
- The main exam venues are:
Venue | Registration meeting point | Additional information |
The Sports Hall |
Register at 8.30am - 8.40am as normal and then go directly to the netball courts for morning exams. P5 teachers will meet you at the netball courts for afternoon exams. |
The Main Hall |
Register at 8.30am-8.40am as normal and then go directly the Main Hall for morning exams. Line up outside the Main Hall for afternoon exams. |
The Community Room |
Register at 8.30am - 8.40am as normal and then go directly to line up outside the Community Room for morning exams. P5 teachers will meet you at the Community Room for afternoon exams. |
All other exam venues apart from Edison |
Register at 8.30am - 8.40am as normal and then go directly to line up outside the Community Room for morning exams. P5 teachers will meet you at the Community Room for afternoon exams. |
What is an Invigilator?
- An invigilator’s job is to supervise an examination.
- We have a committed team of regular invigilators in the school who support many different types of assessments in school. You may recognise some of them from your GL assessments.
- They are trained to make sure the exams run in line with exam regulations.
- Whilst they will have limited communication with you, they are there to support you if you have any questions or queries.
- If you need an invigilator, please raise your hand to get their attention. Do not shout out. You are in exam conditions.
- You may see the invigilators writing during the exam. This is because they have to document any incidents, disturbances and rule breeches. This is reported back to the Exams Officer to identify any consequences.
What equipment can I take into the exam room?
- You are responsible for bringing all of the equipment you require for an exam.
- You should bring a black pen, coloured pencils, erasers, ruler, calculator etc. in a transparent (clear) plastic bag or pencil case.
- Non-transparent pencil boxes or cases will not be permitted in the examination room.
- You must write in pen not pencil apart from drawings. Pens must be black.
Is there anything I am not allowed to take into the exam room?
Some items are strictly banned and should not be brought into the examination room under any circumstances. The exam boards treat mere possession of these items as an infringement.
- Please leave all restricted items in your bag.
- If you forget, don’t panic!
- Please raise your hand and give to an invigilator before the exam starts.
The following items are restricted – please look at the restricted items poster outside the exam venue:
- Mobile phones - Remember, we are a mobile free school.
- Watches of all types.
- Any device that can be connected to a mobile internet network eg Fitbit.
- On occasions text books may be allowed in certain exams. If this is necessary, you will be informed by your subject teachers in advance.
- No lucky mascots etc.
- No food items or chewing gum are allowed.
- No Tippex or correction pens. You should cross through work you do not wish to be marked.
How do I know where I will sit?
- Every exam has a seating plan. You will have been allocated a seat.
- The teachers/invigilators will organise you in order prior to entering the room.
- Once you are in the room the Invigilators will guide you to your seat.
- On your table you will find a card with your name and exam number on it. This must remain on your table throughout the exam. This name card must not be removed from your table, neither are you allowed to deface it in anyway (draw on it, fold it, etc.) JCQ regulations require that invigilators are able to identify students sitting exams.
Note: once you enter the exam room, you are in exam conditions and therefore you must remain SILENT. You should not communicate with anyone other than an invigilator.
Can I bring a drink into the exam room?
- Yes, you can bring water into the exam room.
- No more than 750ml of still water in a clear bottle with no label (preferably a sport cap bottle). No fizzy drinks, cans or pouches will be allowed.
How do the exams begin?
- Any instructions for the exam will be read out along with the evacuation notice.
- Do not open the question paper until you are instructed to do so.
- You will be reminded of the exam regulations.
- You will be asked to complete your details on the front of the paper.
- An invigilator will formally announce the start of exam and you will then be instructed to begin.
What do I do if I am feeling unwell in an exam?
- Raise your hand to notify an invigilator.
- If you need to leave the room, you will be supervised. Your details and the time you left will be documented.
- Once you feel ready to return, the clock will restart and you can continue your paper.
What happens in an emergency evacuation?
- On hearing the alarm, remain silent and await direction from the invigilator.
- Students in exams have a separate assembly point.
- You will meet on the smaller netball courts to the left of the main evacuation point.
- You will be evacuated in the rows that you are seated. This means that you will be released row by row by an invigilator.
- You remain in exam conditions therefore you must remain SILENT as you move from the exam venue to the evacuation point.
- You must stay in postion in your line, when you assemble at the evacuation point.
- If you talk and break exam conditions you risk your paper being disqualified.
- When the Exams Officer has been given the all clear, the invigilator will move you from the evacuation point back into the exam venue and you must remain SILENT.
- The invigilator will change the finish time for examinations as soon as you are permitted to continue with your exam.
Can I leave once I have finished my exam?
- You will need to wait until the end of the exam before you can leave.
- Once the exam ends, invigilators will collect your exam paper.
- Once all papers are collected, you will be dismissed by an invigilator, row by row.
- There may be other exams continuing so please leave in silence as other students will still be working.
What happens if I don’t follow the exam conditions?
- This is known as Malpractice and exam boards have very strict rules if you disrupt an examination in any way.
- If you cause any issues in any examination venue during the PPEs you will be removed from the venue and your parents will be informed.
- You will be expected to sit that examination at another time as arranged by the Head of Faculty.
- This may not be the same examination paper other students sat at the designated time and this will result in you needing to complete further preparation.
Non-exam assessment result/appeal dates
Please see the dates below by which students will be advised of their Non-Exam Assessment grade/s. Students have 24 hours after results have been advised to lodge an appeal with their subject teachers. Students should be aware that appeals could see grade/s go up, go down or remain the same.
From JCQ Notice to Centres – Informing candidates of their centre assessed marks
This requirement allows candidates to request a review of the centre’s marking prior to the marks being submitted to the awarding body, should they wish to do so, and will facilitate the operation of a fair review process. It is reflected in the regulators’ Qualification Level Conditions and Requirements (Ofqual).
Any queries regarding exams should be emailed to exams@denefield.org.uk
Subject | Level | Results on or before |
Art & Design | A Level | 16 May 2025 |
Art & Design | GCSE | 16 May 2025 |
Biology/Chemistry/Physics | A Level | 1 May 2025 |
Design & Technology | GCSE | 23 April 2025 |
Drama | GCSE | 1 May 2025 |
English | A Level | 1 May 2025 |
Film Studies | GCSE | 21 April 2025 |
Film Studies | A Level | 1 May 2025 |
Geography | A Level | 1 May 2025 |
Geography | GCSE | 1 May 2025 |
History | A Level | 1 May 2025 |
Hospitality & Catering | A Level | 1 March 2025 |
MFL | GCSE | 5 May 2025 |
MFL | A Level | 12 May 2025 |
Music | GCSE | 23 April 2025 |
PE | A Level | 28 February 2025 |
PE | GCSE | 28 February 2025 |
Projects | Level 3 Extended | 1 May 2025 |
Projects | Level 2 Higher | 1 May 2025 |