The catering service at Denefield is provided by Harrison Catering Services.
Since its founding in 1994, Harrison has always been about quality fresh food prepared on-site and served by people who love what they do. Over 100 clients across the UK enjoy a Harrison food service, with more than 100,000 meals being served each day by approximately 2,000 staff across more than 270 locations. Harrison understands that what children and young people eat affects their health and their ability to learn and perform in the classroom.
At Denefield, our catering team will provide nutritious, balanced meals, and we will work to educate the students on how to make healthier food choices. Our goal is to instil a love and understanding of fresh, healthy food at a young age that will positively influence them throughout life. Our catering team at Denefield will work with the school and the school council to tailor menus to the tastes and preferences of the students. We will introduce further interest and excitement to our menus through themed lunches and cuisines from around the world, tying these into the school curriculum whenever possible.
If you require further information or have any feedback about the catering service, please contact Harrison Catering Services by email at
Denefield operates a facial recognition biometric cashless system for the school catering service. Payments can be made by using the payment system on-line at To use this facility you will need to obtain a unique link code from main reception.
To comply with updated legislation which came into effect on 1 September 2013, schools must obtain parental consent for the use of student biometric data. You can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to the school.
Canteen Menu Weeks
Week 1 - week commencing 6 and 27 January, 24 February and 17 March.
Week 2 - week commencing 13 January, 3 February, 3 and 24 March.
Week 3 - week commencing 20 January, 10 February, 10 and 31 March.
Please see below for menus and tariffs.