High School Musical!
We are so excited to bring to you... High School Musical On Stage!
We are so excited to bring to you... High School Musical On Stage!
We hope all that attended the Year 9 GCSE/BTEC Level 2 Options Evening found the evening both enjoyable and informative.
Our recent trip to Seville was an exciting experience for everyone involved. The goal was to help students explore Spanish culture and history whilst learning outside the classroom.
Our students had the opportunity to meet and chat with a number of employers and universities - discovering many different courses and career paths available to them.
Round one of the Denefield has taken place.
Sixth Form students spent a very informative time at the 'London Create Your Furtur Exhibition 2024'.
Applications for the autumn term of Kids College are now closed.
Thank you for your interest in Kids College @ Denefield. The deadline has now passed for applications for the spring term. There may be a space available on the Secrets of Science or Silly Clay Creatures course, so if your Year 5 or Year 6 child may be interested, please contact Mrs Nay via nay@denefield.org.uk.
Parents/Carers are invited and encouraged to attend the Headteacher's Open House on Monday 3 February.
Students in Year 11, either currently at Denefield or any other school, are warmly invited to our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 21 November from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.